Thursday, 17 May 2012

#32.HOPE MOUNTAIN.16-5-12.

After Julie had finished work and with the sun shining we had a short walk on Hope Mountain.Parking at the Waun y Llyn Country Park we walked back down the lane toward's Caergwrle and then turned left on a bridle path skirting below the mountain.

From this path you get a great view east.

Before we started to gain height we happened upon a field of bluebells.

Leaving the bridal path we walked up to the north side of the mountain and got our first view of Moel Famau.

Next up we passed the small disused quarry.

We now picked up the bridal path on the west of the mountain for our return.

Nearing the car park.

A quick change of clothes at the car and off for tea in the Hollybush in Cefnybedd.We walked 2 mile with 350 feet of ascent.

MILEAGE     223.5
ASCENT       52,500
TOPS             55.


  1. Nice one bud. Didn't know there were some many hills around your way! Hope Julie's PF is getting better.

    1. I look at this mountain every day from our house/garden,lovely view of it.Julie's PF is slowly getting better but still hurting her when we are walking :(
